Getting ready for the holidays!

2:03 PM

Hey everyone!! I figured I'd update you all sooner than I have in the recent past lol :) Today my family and I picked out our Christmas tree, which is definitely my favorite part of the season just because I love the smell of Christmas trees soooooo much. So much in fact I have 2 spruce tree candles as well as a glade plug in in the same scent hahaha. That's going to go up soon but in the meantime I have my own tiny silver tree on my bedside table here 
Also I have a bunch of ootd pictures for you all!! Remember that long cardigan I got about a week ago (cue song)? Well I wore it today! Outfit details are as follows: cardigan- urban; jeans-hollister, shirt-urban; socks-urban; boots-topshop;  necklace-brandy melville; hat-topshop

Okay guys I think that's about it for today! Sorry I bet this post is super lame but I want to get back in the groove of blogging again like I did in the summer. I have thankfully gotten everyone's Christmas gifts already which is the earliest I've ever been done shopping, I'm so proud!! So I have my next paycheck to do pretty much whatever with...possibly a new piercing?! I'll let you all know when it happens if it does of course haha. If I don't tune in before the holidays end I hope you all have a lovely holiday season whatever you celebrate, enjoy and ciao!!

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